Been hanging round this parts a bit now and finally went for it today on a real spur of the moment.. not sure if that is wise but we'll find out in due course I guess.
Basically made an offer via email about 2pm today not really expecting the guy to say yes and he said as long as you aren't gonna mess me about (had too many of them) then ok.. A quick trip to the bank to draw out a wad of cash, picked up mate, saw it, liked it, drove it, liked it, hpi'd it, checked the docs, bought it and here it is sat on my drive...

Tiz a bit poverty spec'd but it'll only get driven at weekends for a break from the old chip fat burning passat so wasn't too fussed about toys.. I'm sure I can add a few.. Any suggestions?
All I wanted was Climate and Monza II's and it's got them.
Only mod I'm thinking atm is colour coding.. which I will now be searching around these parts to find out what the deal is with doing that.
Will get some more pics where you can actually see it later.