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Midlands Stealthvoy to the Pod 24/10/2010

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--- Quote from: stealthwolf on October 23, 2010, 05:56:21 pm ---Reports state Corley services are quite expensive? Anyone who uses them able to verify this?
Otherwise I'm bringing my own MaccyD's brekkie!

--- End quote ---

Just come and meet us boys at Maccy's then!!  :happy2:

It's less than 10 mins from Corley to the Greeners waypoint, then around an hour's drive to SP
Cool so plan of action:

1. Corley Services: Highfield Lane, Corley, Coventry, CV7 8NR [J3/4 M6S] - arrive 0800, depart 0820
2. MaccyD's: 2 Wigston Road, Coventry, CV2 2RZ - arrive 0830, depart 0840
3. Santa Pod Raceway, Airfield Road, Podington, Wellingborough, Northants, NN29 7XA - arrive 0940

Does anyone want to make amendments to the itinerary?

EDIT: I've amended the times.

Stealth the only reason I see you should go to Maccy's would be to meet us but we'll be gone by then!  :laugh:

1. Big Al
2. Singh123
3. swf7y
4. stealthwolf
5. Moschops & Mrs Choppers.

May not do the Maccy's breakfast as they give me wind.... :rolleye:  :ashamed:

big al:

--- Quote from: Moschops on October 23, 2010, 07:43:46 pm ---1. Big Al
2. Singh123
3. swf7y
4. stealthwolf
5. Moschops & Mrs Choppers.

May not do the Maccy's breakfast as they give me wind.... :rolleye:  :ashamed:

--- End quote ---

I am probably just going to get a greasy brekfast when I set out, not planning on getting a Mcscrubbers meal, esp not at service station prices, just using the location as a meeting point!

Does anyone know if we are meeting up with other convoys or if we will be meeting with the rest of the guys at the pod?


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