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Northeners Santa Pod convoy.......

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Everyone else has started a new thred so heres mine!  :grin:

Meeting at Lymm services at 8.00, arivial time for the pod will be about 11 am.

Our route is

There will me me, gaz, tom, jay (if he's coming) and maxitrol.  :smiley:

Joe just been speaking to Gaz, let's make it half an hour or an hour earlier. We are gonna be getting there a little late if we meet at 9!  :happy2:

Top Cat:
Its a 2 and a half hour drive at 90 mph.  :happy2:

Joe gets all grumpy when you ask him to get out of bed earlier.  :laugh:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on October 22, 2010, 10:00:36 am ---Its a 2 and a half hour drive at 90 mph.  :happy2:

Joe gets all grumpy when you ask him to get out of bed earlier.  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

Well he woke me up in bed with a phone call at stupid 'o' clock this morning so screw him! He can get his arse out of his pit early for once  :grin: :fighting:

B@STARD!  :angry015: 8AM  :sad1:


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