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Author Topic: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl  (Read 6904 times)

Offline scooba

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Re: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2010, 06:21:39 pm »
And they are NOT suitable for a GTI.  :wink:

IS that so ?? why ?  on black  circles these are £135 each  correct width, correct profile ,speed rating , load rating ,I have looked on Goodyear site and i cant see where it said not suitable for a GTI ,Please educate moi !
Beddie is correct.  Whilst they may be the same size, speed rating, load index - they are categorically NOT designed for 'hot hatches' or any type of car designed around 'sporty' handling.

Just like Michelin Energy, Conti EcoContact, Firestone FuelSaver, and the likes, Goodyear EfficentGrip have a very low rolling resistance, and therefore low grip.  This means that when pounding up and down motorways and similar straight roads, you'll get a slight improvement in fuel economy.  However, when 'pressing on'  :wink: in the twisties, you are likely to find a ditch/hedge/lamppost.

And again, Beddie was correct on another user on this forum who'd been wrongly sold them for his GTI - maybe try the search function to confirm the eventual outcome. :wink:

Being a no nothing would you mind Posting up this little bit of info from Goodyear to clarify your expert advice  for the record if you like .I read your expert views on PS2 and PS3 and i think it was at best your opinion , no substance if you like ,

I like to learn but it has to be factual not as is your opinion .Look forward to the article from Goodyear that states do not use on performance cars or hothatch

regards scooba

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Re: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2010, 06:24:23 pm »
Reading back the above post looks rude it isnt meant to be but please  post the info requested .

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Re: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2010, 06:38:59 pm »
Some of us are only trying to help - Not in selling them but to help folks be better informed. Each of us can only inform to the best of our knowledge and stand to be corrected if that's the case. T_T has already informed to the best of his knowledge - The onus is on either your friend or yourself to find out more detail. GY have a techsupport phone line.  :happy2:

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Re: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2010, 08:45:11 pm »
RR as my PM i dont care if you think or dont think they are suitable ,there is no onus on me to find anything out ,I am not selling  them just pointing out that there are a set for sale if anyone is interested .The seller isnt a friend so as stated I dont  have a  interest either way

I now have a source for Michelin Pilot Sport 3 s 225/40/18  ZR 92  XL at £400 per set ,The guy told me they cost £298 for him to buy but you know what ,I wont be telling anyone as I have found out on here its best to keep things to yourself.  :wink:

For your info dont worry about the Goodyears they are now sold £340 to a very happy buyer  :happy2: 

FYI if you wish to phone GY tech support please do and post your findings for us all to benefit and understand more , i will be interested out of curiosity but as i have two sets off Pescaras both with Michelins on it wont make much difference to me

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Re: Good year efficent grip 225/40/18 92 xl
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2010, 09:23:35 pm »
What did you pay for them ? thanks

They came with the wheels mate they were pretty much brand new though, price wise they are roughly 110 a tyre depending on where you look.

Ive been running them for about 6k now and ive found no grip issues, good wearing and low noise. When i buy tyres its an open and shut case eagle f1s or contis.
Ive just bought the contact sport 3s and they are the best tyres ive ever used.

The question is would i actually buy the the efficiant grip ? the answer is no ! the contis and f1s are better but they are decent tyres and ive found them better than some performance tyres ive used in the past eg KU31s and the recently replaced potenzas.