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Author Topic: Xenon vs. Halogen headlight weight?  (Read 6376 times)

Offline JPC

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Re: Xenon vs. Halogen headlight weight?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2009, 09:36:17 pm »
having retrofitted the xenon headlights myself, i really really dont remember there being anything near 5kg difference in the units.

sorry to be unable to quote figures, just from memory i dont remember them being much difference!

and 10kgs.....hmm.....i sh1t that much in the morning, dont get rid of the xenons, they look too cool! ;)

LOL.. Thanks mate. I thought it seemed a lot, im now thinking maybes 5kg for both? Anyways if thats the case I would rather keep the xenons and continue to blind oncoming cars  :wink:

haha...comedian in the house! lol :happy2: i was only taking about HID Kits! ;)