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Author Topic: Fitted auto-boot opener & MK6 badge today  (Read 14969 times)

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Re: Fitted auto-boot opener & MK6 badge today
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2010, 02:56:27 pm »
Just wondering what the difference is between mk5 boot handle badge and mk6?

MK6 boot handle, the Chrome VW badge on it is 3D and sticks out slightly from the boot.

MK5 boot handle VW badge is flush and not 3D.

Reason for the change is that most people have noticed their MK5 badge to have started to corrode, so best replacement is the MK6 handle as it's more modern looking.
| Tornado Red GTI |


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Re: Fitted auto-boot opener & MK6 badge today
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2010, 04:13:44 pm »
Mk6 badge is not damped like the mk5 one, makes it feel cheapo in my opinion. Another example of VW's penny pinching. I think I'm right in saying model updates to a VW are akin to new versions of Windows, they fix one lot of bugs but introduce a load more new ones lol. All IMHO, of course.