Hey all,
I'm still here :)
Not much happening in the CocoPops house, but there will be in 8-10weeks time......
When the twins arrive

I was speaking with Steve (Phil Mc) the other day and he was singing the virtues of Passat estates!

So looks like I may be back into a VeeDub at some point.
Certainly couldn't afford to run the Ed30 once the twins arrive, it's expensive enough buying all the bits for them before they arrive!!
Last count, £3500 on pushchairs, car seats, nursery furniture and all the other "needed" bits that we've bought in readiness!
At least I'm into the "making money" expenses on the current runabout, a Focus Diesel... deadly dull but does the job.
I've still got the 2.0 MX-5 for trackdays and fun... when I get the time. I intend to keep the MX as long as I can hold onto it, so I have somewhere to escape to if needed.
Other stuff to occupy my "spare time" is the Karting, we're doing OK in the Club100 rookies Enduro Championship, I think my team mate posted a link here not so long ago?
http://www.MangoRacing.co.uk is us! :)
Hope all the regulars are doing ok!
Take care,