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Amature help

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Sorry Ben, I've been really busy of late, and haven't had the car for the last couple days, so haven't managed to take a photo. I will take one tomorrow for you, I promise! And, I hope it helps you too  :smiley:

The wheel man:
Nive one Chris.  Ive not had a look for a while either...... probably Saturday fingers crossed!

Ok Ben, hope this helps you!!

Picture 1 - shows the silver (although a bit bronze in this pic) bracket going around the beginning of the tailpipes from the backbox

Picture 2 - shows that same silver bracket attaching to the bottom of a rubber mount

Picture 3 - shows how that rubber mount attaches to the chassis!

 :smiley: :smiley:

The wheel man:
Cheers Chris,  I will have a look soon as.  :happy2:

candy turbo:
hello mate (wheel man) would you be able to get me some standard wheel bolts but with chrome /stainless heads ? i need 10 , how much ?


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