General > Detailing

Amature help

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Looking good & clean in the pics.

I have a met black A4 & with the spring approaching it will get.

1. Claying
2. Megs Stage 1 cleaner
3. Megs Stage2 polish
4. NXT

2-4 with Megs G220.

It brings the flake out like billeo & looses any hollograms & swirlling.

IMO cannot beat a propper detailed black car, although looking forward to giving te steel grey Ed30 a going over.

Keep up the good work

The wheel man:
Any particular clay bar or are they much of a much ness??


--- Quote from: The wheel man on February 23, 2009, 07:30:58 am ---Any particular clay bar or are they much of a much ness??

--- End quote ---

I have really tried any other than the megs one.

Pound for pound IMO megs takes some beating. I have tried other speed detailers but always come back to megs.

Having said that Poorboys natural interior cleaner is great.


the sonus fine clay is great guys

As I always say, I've had nothing but good experiences with the Swissvax clay product.

I think as long as you buy from a reputable, experienced detailing brand, e.g. Swissvax, Sonus, Megs, etc etc etc then you will be fine!


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