an autumn colour of the very best...

my apologies for the crap photos.
this tree was very vigorous and if you missed a days pruning in early spring you could lose the shape and proportions for the whole year lol.
but a joy to own.
next is my korean nornbeam.
shame i dont have an autumn picci cos the colour rivals the maple

this was a prominent feature at chelsea and hampton ct this year and many before it. it is a recognised heritage tree on the british bonsai register.... mostly beacuse its proportions are almost perfect. which takes a lot of daily/weekly maintenence.
here is my rarest.... a british hawthorn in a raft style. only several in prominence and mine is the only one in europe to flower as this one.
i was offered a lot of money for this one but as you read a bit later... its a very specail tree.

the flowers... sorry for photo

is stands a foot tall but over three feet across.
the pot was specially made for it.
the original owner of this tree died and it was my honour to take this as a peice of raw material and take it to the prestigious level it made.
thats about it for now.hope you enjoyed them and if i can answer any questions you might have on these or any lil ole trees you have at home feel free to ask.