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Author Topic: Few Suggestions  (Read 1504 times)

Offline Betty02

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Few Suggestions
« on: December 14, 2010, 02:56:31 pm »
1) Copyright - Went out of date in 2008 meaning people can take guides of here and post and take credit it. When I ran we have the same issue, I made a guide for a Dump Valve and people selling DV's on eBay copied my guide and sold it with there kit as instructions so be good to keep the content here?

2) Articles/Guides - Maybe hit and miss with this but again used it over on TwingoOC when we was on SMF before our move to vBulletin, we used it for all How-To tutorials so it just makes things look better, easier to read, can get rated etc. Best thing is choose the correct forum number and it will convert your current guides to the new format. Bad thing is we had to create a new forum called request as loads had been posted in the section so they got converted too and didn't look good lol.

Link - Here

Other then that love it here ;)
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