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spelling correction

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--- Quote from: Garth on November 07, 2010, 09:30:17 am ---
My old boss was dyslexic and it was great some of the stuff he wrote... even he laughed at most of it. Especially the time when he wrote a note to the general manager asking that he couldn't get in to the chemical room because of the keypad lock and he needed 'axes' (instead of access). The GM came to me and asked if I thought we really did need axes to break the door down in an emergency   :grin:

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:signLOL: Nice one!

Being able to laugh at yourself is so very important no matter what your 'problem' is.   :happy2:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 07, 2010, 09:35:24 am ---
--- Quote from: Garth on November 07, 2010, 09:30:17 am ---
My old boss was dyslexic and it was great some of the stuff he wrote... even he laughed at most of it. Especially the time when he wrote a note to the general manager asking that he couldn't get in to the chemical room because of the keypad lock and he needed 'axes' (instead of access). The GM came to me and asked if I thought we really did need axes to break the door down in an emergency   :grin:

--- End quote ---

:signLOL: Nice one!

Being able to laugh at yourself is so very important no matter what your 'problem' is.   :happy2:

--- End quote ---
I agree. If you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't even consider laughing at anyone else!
I laugh at myself every day... and I have loads of 'problems'  :grin:


--- Quote from: Garth on November 07, 2010, 09:18:53 am ---The brought/bought one is one of the most common on here I have noticed. Does my head in. It's up there with people using YOUR instead of YOU'RE  :fighting:

YOUR is something that belongs to you, i.e. "YOUR car is nice"
YOU'RE is an abreviation of you are, i.e. "YOU'RE a genius"

--- End quote ---

"Could of" instead of "could have" is one of my biggest gripes, along with your/you're and there/they're/their.

hello all.
I was not meaning to offend anyone. i am not the worlds best speller by far and i am not shy of that fact.
All i was saying is that, like many others, it is something i have noticed in alot of posts. Its not spelt incorrect its just the wrong word.
Like red robin said it is clear to see the differences.
If anyone was offended i am truly sorry.

Seriously have you lot not got anything better to worry about than the way people try to express themselves on a car forum?  :stupid:

I've only just read through this thread and quite frankly I'm amazed at the snobbery and sheer lack of respect at peoples varying abilities to either spell/write or express themselves. I'm no brain surgeon and I'm sure I make my fair share of these perceived 'mistakes' and I also see some of the instances that are being referred to, but hey I've got far worse/better things to worry about and I for one would not persecute anyone if they were not up to anyone's 'standards'.

Take a chill pill chaps and focus your energies on something worthwhile.........  :confused:



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