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spelling correction

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Don't worry mate. We're all just being honest in our opinions and they're only opinions.  :happy2:


--- Quote from: SteveP on November 06, 2010, 09:28:08 pm ---
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on November 06, 2010, 09:01:44 pm ---I (and I'd imagine other forumites) have no problem with dyslexia or any other condition (eg poor sight) that would cause problems with posts, Steve.

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So do you want me to ask people to put in their sigs if they have a reason why their posts may contain incorrect spelling or grammar?

At least this way you can public shame people for these most heinous crimes.

Just try to remember this is a car forum not f*cking mensa.

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I bet some of the people with bad spelling on here would be able to get into mensa, but some of the ones who complain would not. A work mate of mine is a mensa member, he can not spell or write to save his life and he is in the top 10% of the countries IQ according to mensa.

The box to edit posts does not make it easy for people to correct things imo.

--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 07, 2010, 09:35:24 am ---
--- Quote from: Garth on November 07, 2010, 09:30:17 am ---
My old boss was dyslexic and it was great some of the stuff he wrote... even he laughed at most of it. Especially the time when he wrote a note to the general manager asking that he couldn't get in to the chemical room because of the keypad lock and he needed 'axes' (instead of access). The GM came to me and asked if I thought we really did need axes to break the door down in an emergency   :grin:

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:signLOL: Nice one!

Being able to laugh at yourself is so very important no matter what your 'problem' is.   :happy2:

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That one is better than some of the ones i have done over the years.  :grin:

I'm just glad I have a Mac.... because if I didnt, some of you guys would have a field day!!! :signLOL:


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