All I can say is wow, what a man!
I asked a question a few weeks ago regarding what cable I needed to connect my mfd2 in my mk2 vRS octavia to a 6cd changer I bought on ebay,
Hedge replied with a picture of the connector, after a few weeks waiting for the connector to come from vw, I realised the cd changer I had got on ebay was fcuked!
I sent hedge a pm as he had said he had a skoda cd changer in his garage from his mk2 vRS as to how much he wanted for it,
I got a reply stating that all he wanted was for me to make a donation to his 'vulcan to the sky' charity, I was overwhelmed,
Anyway, the following monday, I got a PM saying that post was only £6.60 and he had paid it and didn't want anything in return, just to add it to my donation.......
I'm still speechless at this generosity, seriously, what a man.
I received it today, but haven't had a chance to test it yet as he said it's been lying idle for a while,
This is what these forum's are all about, helping each other.
Thanks a lot mate