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Is my stance ok?

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looks stunning, very nice indeed :happy2:


Looks very good indeed to me. A car has to be practical imo and lowering too much might look cool but will be a royal PITA if you keep scraping it and also lower doesn't automatically produce better handling results but sometimes the contrary!

I'm not a great fan of anything other than Monza's - To me they're an important iconic element of the GTI's appearance. However, I respect the use of other alloys for track purposes and, of course as always, ETTO!

--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on February 14, 2009, 07:34:20 pm ---Would you say that cornerweighting is a necessity? I've been told by an experienced VAG tuner that it is not necessary on the GTI (I forget the reason for this)...

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....It's not "necessary" but it's one of the things which adds up to a car which is better setup overall. VWR advised it and I rather think Mark knows what he's talking about!! Mine certainly feels like it's on rails.

Which tuner told you it's not necessary? (I bet they haven't got the corner-weighting gear!).


Oh, when I first read "Is my stance ok?" I was tempted to answer "Does my arse look too fat in this?" :evilgrin:
I once followed a rather hot looking brunette driving a black Beemer M5 (fast driver too) and she had a rear window sticker: "I bet you don't think my arse looks too fat in this!" - Class!


--- Quote from: tony_danza on February 15, 2009, 09:52:05 am ---Yeah, yours does look slightly lower than mine - we can give it a shot.

I've been dragged into work on callout for god knows how long today, but we'll sort something out. Still, the callout money + overtime will be going straight in the car fund :happy2:

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couldnt of done it this weekend as mine in MK racingline, but nxt w/end could come over
giz a shout


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