gutted for you Carlo, must have been the faintest of touches. It isn't that bad to be fair, but once you know its there it bugs you doesn't it, does me anyway, the cheapest way would be to get 2 on the same side done to make sure they match, but that would bug me too, so save up over winter and have all 4 done 
Yeah Gaz, It will bug me until its done right mate. TBH I was thinking about having a go with the Megs Scratch-X to see if any of the marks will polish out of the clear coat. I'm not optimistic though.
There is a company in Widnes called National Alloys. Anyone Heard of them? Some good prices, but if the work is shoddy there is the WheelRefurbishing place (BJV Engineering) Any reviews of these guy's? Their prices are just crazy cheap, £160 for 4 wheels. there is A1 Wheels.

Great reputation but how much am I looking for a full refurb on 4 wheels? I have a feeling, its gonna take me some time to save the cash needed for these guy's.
Any Idea's about A1 Nath? You know them well and the work they do. What do you think is my best cost effective option? (now you have seen the photo's of the scuffs on my wheel)
1 wheel, 2 wheels, or all 4 wheels refurbed?
Thanks again to everyone for the advice.