As some of you may know, I've been driving an EV we've been developing at work for the last few months, using my GTI only on weekends or whatever... I had to fill her up for the first time in a few weeks, and was shocked, almost £60 for 40 litres!
EV makes more and more sense.
Once were all driving electric cars we wont be able to moan about the cost of fuel. 
Maybe not, but we certainly WILL moan about the price of electricity as your electric bill will go through the roof when you're charging your car every night!
Assuming I've used a full charge throughout the day (for my commute there and back, I only use about 60%) then recharging the battery overnight works out to approximately 50pence a night. That's my normal drive cycle (drive to work - then to home - then charge overnight) and whatever way you look at it, it's helluva lot cheaper than a petrol or diseasal.