General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Somethings wrong with the site

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i get this message some times
No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics.
even thou i know thier is new topics

vRS Carl:
Well it's not slow according to the info at the bottom. Page created in 0.452 seconds with 23 Queries.

It has happened to me once or twice and I have a theory.

Either you are a numpty and you double click the Show unread posts link or the site thinks you have double clicked it. On the first click it generates a page of unread threads and just as quick again on the second click generates a page of unread threads which in this case will be none as it has already done it.

That explains why it happens, as for the how well I can't theorise about that one  :wink:

^^^I have that if I press unread topics on the iPhone and then visit the site on my laptop. Doesn't slow down or anything but have to click all unread topics.

vRS Carl:
Well here is proof it's slowing down for me

Nearly 10 seconds  :fighting: :fighting:


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