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Porshe 911 Turbo- Detailed

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erm..... :confused: 0-60-3.4  :confused: fastest porsche ever?? thats the older 996 turbo, the 997 turbo is significantly quicker,

it will have 420hp and do 0-60 in 3.9 secs  :smiley: oh and is 4wd  :happy2:


--- Quote from: 08micsta on February 16, 2009, 05:10:12 am ---Thanks guys

Yes the 0-100 is in km. And its a v6 twin turbo.

The 0-100 claim is no lie. Wiki says 3.9 and Porsche snd the official Porsche books say 3.4. So call it 3.7 or so.
Either way its incredible fast....

And yup.. Dads new car. He has wante one for ages now an finally gave in :love:

Thanks guys


--- End quote ---

and also its a flat 6 not a v6, do your homework mike  :P

Check out the ratings...

The 996 911 turbo is the fastest. For its size and engine capacity. The Porsche GT does it in the same time but has a V10. Wheres the fun in that?  :signLOL:

And yes.... Flat six as just correctly by dad here too... I keep thinking V6.......

And the newer one is no faster.....

What I am saying is that for a car that came out in 2000 it was way ahead of anything else produced. ANd that Porsche simply have not created anything faster yet.

The 3.4 was from a trackday the Porsche guys did here in Cape Town. They did 0-100 sprints with the cars...


Screenshot of the 996 Turbo brochure that I happen to have sitting next to me...

Although as you say, in reality and in certain conditions cars can be quicker than the manufacturer claims.

mike, always quote book figures  :smiley:  :driver:


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