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Porshe 911 Turbo- Detailed

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Could well be a misprint then...

All figures I quote are for the facelifted vehicles, and from official Porsche publications - not the cr@p that appears all over the internet.

I have the Carrera in 4.9, the C4S in 5.1 (both Coupe)

Therefore the Turbo in 4.2 makes sense considering its modifications over a normal Carrera.

At the end of the day, this thread was for your efforts on your detailing so lets just stick to that. As I said before, your detail looks very impressive  :happy2:

996 turbo is 3.9. 997 turbo is quicker! trust me, ive driven both and had both in my family.  :smiley:


--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on February 16, 2009, 10:20:43 am ---Could well be a misprint then...

All figures I quote are for the facelifted vehicles, and from official Porsche publications - not the cr@p that appears all over the internet.

I have the Carrera in 4.9, the C4S in 5.1 (both Coupe)

Therefore the Turbo in 4.2 makes sense considering its modifications over a normal Carrera.

At the end of the day, this thread was for your efforts on your detailing so lets just stick to that. As I said before, your detail looks very impressive  :happy2:

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Not a prob mate. Dads shot through to Porsche now to get the electronics reset so he will find out there what the deal is. Thanks for the kind words though.

--- Quote from: joesgti on February 16, 2009, 10:33:14 am ---996 turbo is 3.9. 997 turbo is quicker! trust me, ive driven both and had both in my family.  :smiley:

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Perhaps it feels faster? But on paper they are the same car?? Maybe the 997 is lighter or something. I dont really care. All I know is the 996, 997 and GT will beat most things on the road. Its quite cool knowing that  8)



--- Quote from: 08micsta on February 16, 2009, 11:27:32 am ---All I know is the 996, 997 and GT will beat most things on the road. Its quite cool knowing that  8)

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Unless you come across a tuned ED30 lol..


--- Quote from: jonnyc on February 16, 2009, 12:11:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: 08micsta on February 16, 2009, 11:27:32 am ---All I know is the 996, 997 and GT will beat most things on the road. Its quite cool knowing that  8)

--- End quote ---

Uless you come across a tuned ED30 lol..

--- End quote ---

you think yours could beat a 997 turbo? around a track or drag, would be interesting!! obv with you driving both  :rolleye:


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