After trying to decide what colour i want the cupra wheels refurbishing in i think i have finally found the colour,
First attempt was Rover storm grey which is close to the renault sport range,

I wasn't 100% happy with the colour, it looks a touch blue in real life, so yesterday resulted in another trip to Halfrauds to pick up the next two colour choices, BMW Sparkling Graphite and Satin BLack.
I never got around to using the sparkling graphite and i have settled on Satin Black, i've only got the one done just to make sure i'm happy with it and i'll probably spray another this afternoon so i have 1 side complete, I need to paint the insides as well and really they could do with a coat of Satin Laquer which i cannot get from Halfords. Anyway the pictures..
painted and ready to go on

I thought i would clean the calipers quickly, ideally they should be cleaned painted and laquered, oh and i fitted the brake clip from the GOlf R that I have had lying about for 6months :)

and here it is on the car ..

The finish is ok, the insides really need painting but the intention is to get them refurbed properly. Its just a cheaper way of making sure i'm happy with the colour before spending £300 to get them done professionally.