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Author Topic: Apple TV.... in Car!  (Read 1339 times)

Offline rich83

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Apple TV.... in Car!
« on: November 08, 2010, 10:18:52 am »
Just had a thought.... how hard would this be??

Ive got the MFD2 so....

.....easy to add a multimedia box
..... HDMI to audio and composite into the MM box
...... how easy is it to power something designed for 240V in a car?

Sound like a good idea? Apple TV 160GB are all over ebay for not a vast outlay!


Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: Apple TV.... in Car!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 10:30:11 am »
Rich, don't the apple TV's require line of sight for a remote to control them ? I'm not sure if they have a provision for an external IR sensor, which you would need otherwise the Apple TV would have to be visible at all times for the remote to work. With my DVICO unit (see the other thread on the MFD2), I just installed it under the driver seat (tons of space), and as the DVICO unit had a socket for an external IR sensor, I just installed a tiny one under the dash (hardly noticeable), and ran the wire back to the DVICO plug in harness.

Because all connections (power, audio, Video and Remote) all came back to an external harness that then just plugged into the Dvico with a single socket connector, it made taking the unit in and out of the car a breeze (less then 5 seconds).

If you can sort the logistics out Rich, then I say go for it, and be the first one I know of with this setup  :happy2:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 10:32:56 am by Norbreck21a »

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Offline rich83

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Re: Apple TV.... in Car!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 10:47:53 am »
Good point... (one i had forgotten) Will do some test on my macmini and see what the remote is like!

I suppose mounting under the seat is an option!

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Re: Apple TV.... in Car!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 11:42:27 am »
Right... well my Macmini doesnt require line of sight but the remote cannot be blocked. So theoretically this could work but it would need to be mounted under the seat!