Early this morning my wife was on the way back from mine to work.
I got a phone call from a very excited woman that went something like this:
Me - Hello
Wife - Hello, What's a Yellow VP9?
Me - Pardon?
Wife - What car is a Yellow VP9? Is it a Lamborghini it looks like one?
Me - Erm what's the Reg as i think that's the new McLaren
Wife - RX10 EHK
Me - Yep that's the new McLaren but that's a prototype. Where is it? On a trailer?
Wife - No it's driving in front of me and it's going on the M23 towards Gatwick - Wooohooo i'm getting good at spotting cars.
As you can see my Wife is easily pleased which is prob why she married me

But still a good spot and in her words "it sounds verrry nice"