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Author Topic: SBS2003 / Ipad Guru's need some help and advice.....  (Read 982 times)

Offline DaveB@Vagbremtechnic

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SBS2003 / Ipad Guru's need some help and advice.....
« on: November 14, 2010, 11:47:21 am »
Questions regarding ipads....

1. We download a 27 page A4 pdf briefing file for each trip that we do at work, its generated by a website and when generated on a PC opens a new window and displays there and then, if I wanted to keep that file for later reference I could either hit the print button or save a copy button. What options do I have with an Ipad can I print it to a wireless printer? Can I save it some where on the Ipad and then simply open it at will later?

2. We plan to operate Small Business Server 2003 for push email and most importantly the collaborative calendar features is there a Ipad app that allows you to view and interact with Small Business Server 2003 or would I need to use the calendar through Outlook Web Access for 2003 through a web page.

3. I think Ive asked this before but one of the websites we need to visit is protected by RSA SecurID (The one where you input a pin number and it generates a timed 8 digit code you copy iinto the password field) does this work on the ipad can you get a secuid app and load the token file to the ipad???

4. The fax server element of Small Business 2003 will convert the received fax to a tiff file and push email it to the Ipad can the ipad open tiff files??

5, The server will only be being accessed by 3-5 users plus a techy admin chap from within the group for maintenance, we have a home made run time program in access that automates requests to suppliers if we had this sat on the servers desktop could we see that desktop fom an Ipad and run/manipulate the homemade application from the ipad, if so could we then send it to print to a faxmodem sat on the server or could we grab it and print it locally to a wireless networked printer from the IPAD. Im fairly sure I could sort of VPN into the server from a windows machine but how good is the ipad for doing that sort of thing?

We're having a large revamp at work due to a major increase ont he amount of flying that we're going to be doing which means that we'll be having to do a load of our planning and assistance requests from hotel rooms and remote locations, some essential programs that were always going to be windows based have been converted onto ipad apps so we're now looking at Ipads as an alternative to new laptops.

I appreciate its a bit specific but generally do you need a degree in information technology to get and keep these srt of things going

TIA Chaps

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: SBS2003 / Ipad Guru's need some help and advice.....
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 11:57:53 am »
Dave in answer to your questions.

1- GoodReader app (iirc) is free and you can use that to read PDF and store them. Also iBooks app stores PDF I have about 90 on my iPad. Once iOS 4.2 is released you will be able to do wireless printing.

2 - Dont quote me but I'm pretty sure iOS 4.2 has Microsoft exchange support so I would assume you could use business server.

3- Not sure but if you have test website pm me the details and I can try for you.

4- PDF reader Pro will definately open tiff files. I think good reader does too but don't quote me.

5- logmein ignition app allows you to remotely access a desktop using the iPad. Needs wireless or strong 3G signal though.

Hope that helps. Sorry can't be more exact but I don't use my iPad in the way you are planning and only know what I've written from experience and previous research.

Carl :happy2:

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Re: SBS2003 / Ipad Guru's need some help and advice.....
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 09:41:09 pm »
You will have no problem using email/calendars with the ipad and exchange. We support many different clients with this.

You will just need to sort out a little port forwarding etc and it will work well. :happy2:

If you need any assistance with SBS2003/2008 just drop me a PM.