I loved the Goodyear Assymetric F1s they made such a difference to my car, but I have to say in my experience the sidewall is way too soft!
I have now had 4 (on seperate occasions, over 2 years-ish) with damaged sidewalls! I have am nuts about avoiding potholes guys, I was on a poor road last week but drove at less than 10mph! I checked my tyres this morning and I have a huge bulb sticking out of my sidewall.
Luckily when I replaced the rears with PS3's this year I kept one of my good Assymetrics for just such an event!
I better get this one replaced quick sharp as it looks like a to follow laters. But I am not happy with the strength of these sidewalls...has anyone else had any issues to date? I know there was a few mutterings from others a while back but have heard no more about it.
Expensive business this....