Does that include a new sump plug?
You know you'd have to watch over them doing that but its a good deal if there is no additional labour, the small print says there may be additional charges for sump cover removal.
I doubt it includes the plug, anything they can get away with not doing

Their 'small charge' is £14 IIRC

. Probably best to call them, find a branch who says they won't charge for the undertray and then book it online to get the discounted price at that branch
Or there's the if you can't beat 'em, join 'em philosophy - Apparently they buy their oil in 205 litre drums at £1/litre. That would do at least 30 cars @ £7 a go plus at least £4 for the filter. Just don't challenge me to find oil @ £1/litre without breaking into a National Tyres branch in search of invoices