Well I've been looking around and there is a Samsung PS50C680 that has caught my eye.

Not that expensive either £998 at Curry's with a 3D Blu-ray player and 3 sets of glasses included in the price (plus another by redemption on the Samsung website) - Also has an extra offer on of having all the Shrek movies on 3D Blu-ray too.
2D HD on Sky and Blu-ray is said to be excellent, so it would be an extra bonus - 0.0013ms refresh rate and 600hz screen sounds good too. Much better than my current TV anyway you slice it.
Been on the AV forum and they reckon it is as good as the Panasonic 50"er for basically £1k less and with glasses that actually fit!
I've had a look at some 3D TV displays and I for one can really see the 3D effect very well.

Waiting for a 3D TV that doesn't need glasses is between 10-20 years away. The nearest anyone has come to doing it is Sony and even then it is only on a 17" screen that can only give the 3D effect from 9 specific angles and the effect isn't as good (quoted 10% depth of a current 3D glasses only TV) and the TV is over a foot deep!! - Don't think anyone will be signing up for that soon.
The biggest doubt in my mind was the dreaded "crosstalk", whereby the pictures get mixed every now and then. This is much more pronounced on LCD/LED TV's and this is why Panasonic will only currently make 3D TV's using Plasma technology. The 3D displays I have seen bear this out as the Panasonic 3D effect is superb on Plasma as is the Samsung Plasma, yet the Samsung and LG LCD/LED TV's I've seen suffer quite a bit of crosstalk when the action gets heavy and starts to blur - not something I ever noticed on the Plasma's.