Hi Peeps,
Had the day off work today so i thought i'd get my wheels prepped for winter. I had already done the front two before taking pics, but here are pics of the rear wheels which wearn't as bad as the front:

As you can see, nothing major, just brake dust and tar spots. So, plan of attack was:
Wash with Bilberry mixed at 2:1 (first time using bilberry) using various brushes
Remove tar spots with AS Tardis (again, first time ive used it)
Clay wheels using water and mister for lube
Wash again with Bilberry
2 Coats of Poor boys Wheel Sealant.
Taking my time, it took nearly 6 hours to do 4 wheels properly, this included lunch and brew breaks. It was absolutely freezing and the bucket of water kept freezing

Here are pics of the front wheels after they were finished:

The Bilberry is amazing stuff, highly recommended - its so easy to use!!
Im going to use it diluted to say 9:1 for maintenance washes - does anybody know if this will strip the sealant?
Hope you enjoy my days work! Comments welcome
