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Author Topic: Thinking of getting another Dog.  (Read 4555 times)

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2010, 09:25:29 am »
Get a Westie!

According to Dog magazine, they're 'the best possible small dog on the market today'.

.............x 2. We have had our's 4 years now & he's great.
ED35. Standard factory condition.

Offline QD MBE

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2010, 09:35:29 am »
some good points.  I keep going back to another Black Lab.  Might get a Lab and a Terrier.......

Offline big al

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2010, 10:32:55 am »
To be honest mate, I think you would be daft to buy a dog based on a forum members recommendation. Everyone can pick out there own dogs strong points, but at the end of the day it is you that has to live with it for X amount of years, not us, so you need to make sure that you get the dog that is right for you. If you have had experience with a certain type of breed and you like the traits of it, then that obviously helps, but if you want a different new breed then you need to need to know what you want.
(when we got our first dog, due to our lifestyle at the time a greyhound was the suggestion the experts came up with  :sick: :stupid:...Can't stand Greyhounds, like a dog that you can hold onto)

Hope this doesn't sound too patronising,  :happy2:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2010, 10:52:58 am »
We've been thinking of getting another dog recently. Quite fancy a Hungarian Viszla.   Anyone on here any experience of them, would like to know what their temprement is like around kid's

....No experience of the breed, but aren't they like all other dogs in that their behaviour largely depends on their upbringing?

Get one as a puppy and the dog and kids will grow together with strong relationships.

A friend of mine has a very fierce looking black Staffy who is as gentle as a lamb... As long as you don't mention the word "c  a  t" :grin: - He's always welcome in my garden.

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Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

Offline QD MBE

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2010, 12:34:28 pm »
To be honest mate, I think you would be daft to buy a dog based on a forum members recommendation. Everyone can pick out there own dogs strong points, but at the end of the day it is you that has to live with it for X amount of years, not us, so you need to make sure that you get the dog that is right for you. If you have had experience with a certain type of breed and you like the traits of it, then that obviously helps, but if you want a different new breed then you need to need to know what you want.
(when we got our first dog, due to our lifestyle at the time a greyhound was the suggestion the experts came up with  :sick: :stupid:...Can't stand Greyhounds, like a dog that you can hold onto)

Hope this doesn't sound too patronising,  :happy2:

Think you got the wrong of the stick.

I am experienced in Lab's (had 4 now) and was thinking of a change, hence the Question - has anyone experience of Fox terriers?

I am not exeperinced of owning a small dog full of attitude, and wanted to hear experiences of such dogs, similar to hearing owners thoughts on other items.

Is a small dog for me was really the question I was asking myself, it is all about research, and hopefully when you make the leap, you don't get any nasty surprises.

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2010, 01:10:39 pm »
........thing is if you are an experienced dog owner how about a rescue dog ?. So many poor things stuck waiting to be re-homed. Puppies are very very cute but they grow up. The wife & i have talked about the rescue route as we fancy a friend for our westie.
ED35. Standard factory condition.

Offline big al

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2010, 01:23:53 pm »
I understand the question asked, just that coming on here everyone is going to state that there own type of dog is the one for you because they like that breed.
I have two terriers at the moment, an English Bull and a Border, they both have great temperaments, but are completely different dogs, have met people with exactly the same breeds as ours, but they are completely different, all down to how you bring up the dogs, so a fox terrier may be the one for you, who knows.

We have said that we will be going down the rescue route in future, as the standards for rescue are much higher than they used to be, and there are so many more in shelters than used to be (possibly due to the recent 'designer mongrels' that are suddenly the fashion)

Offline matsu

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2010, 01:32:33 pm »
i think jpc has a visla? i seem to remember him showing a pic near some cars.

i too want another dog but i,m hardly home enough for it to be the moment!
i had a choc lab for a while and he was mental,truly mental.

my baby was my japanese akita-but not a breed i would recommend to just anyone. they are incredible dogs but can be overly dominant toward other dogs-hugely independent and willful but very loyal and loving toward you and their family. she was stunning. and like you i wouldnt get another as i would always be comparing and thats unfair.

keep us posted with this decision and lots of pics needed!!
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2010, 04:04:32 pm »

my baby was my japanese akita-but not a breed i would recommend to just anyone. they are incredible dogs but can be overly dominant toward other dogs-hugely independent and willful but very loyal and loving toward you and their family. she was stunning.

....I would think very carefully indeed before owning an Akita. I had a client with private stables and I used to spend a lot of time helping with her horses. You had to be very cautiously introduced to the dog and then accepted and I wouldn't want to venture on the estate alone if the dog was loose!

Mind you, another horse client had a pair of Doberman and they would make out as if they'd tear me apart every time I approached the gate to the house. One day I decided I was going to be master and went in with a 12ft leader rope ready to swing - The bitch of the pair cowered on the ground and they were both affectionate to me from that day on! There aren't really any generalisations - Dogs are like people and very individual including both good and bad. Otherwise you may as well say don't employ a Jamaican because they'll steal.

Rescue dogs are a very good idea nowadays.  :happy2:

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Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

Offline Cupra R

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2010, 10:18:07 pm »
We've been thinking of getting another dog recently. Quite fancy a Hungarian Viszla.   Anyone on here any experience of them, would like to know what their temprement is like around kid's

....No experience of the breed, but aren't they like all other dogs in that their behaviour largely depends on their upbringing?

Get one as a puppy and the dog and kids will grow together with strong relationships.

A friend of mine has a very fierce looking black Staffy who is as gentle as a lamb... As long as you don't mention the word "c  a  t" :grin: - He's always welcome in my garden.

This is very true.

Staffies are another breed I have always had a soft spot for, they can jump to extreme heights though, as my brother found out.  He had to raise his gate another 2ft to stop it clearing it :signLOL:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2010, 10:22:22 pm »
i want a jack russel.  awesome dogs, but my  shar pei does not tolerate other dogs so its a no go

Offline JPC

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Re: Thinking of getting another Dog.
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2010, 01:14:51 am »
I've always been brought up having border collies. Still got Beth now and she is wonderful

We trained her very well and she's so obedient. And loyal.

About 18 months ago we got a Hungarian viszla. He was a wild cannon from birth but now we have got him trained but thankfully he still has his wild character

He's very obedient. Most breeds are fine, it's how you train them. You have to put so much time in and devotion to train them but I'm sure your well aware of that dave. A breed of dog will be what ever you want it to be, it just depends on the dogs environment.

There were some banging my head moments with the viszla but he's brilliant now.