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Author Topic: Clutch slip :-(  (Read 5738 times)

Offline winrya

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Re: Clutch slip :-(
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2010, 08:44:10 pm »
I needed a new clutch and flywheel. £650 all in, I always drop a gear these days and avoid flooring it in 4th and above around 3000 rpm
Sachs uprated?

No standard LUK clutch and flywheel.  Apparently the early gti's had fragile flywheels which failed taking the clutch with them.  Mine was in pieces but apparently my clutch looked in good condition and the guy suggested i should be fine with an oem and as long as i use some mechanical sympathy  (no more flooring it in 6th at motorway speeds).  12 months since i had it done and I'm okay so far.  As I don't plan to keep it much longer, if it starts to slip again I will just remove the map and make do with 200bhp and a lot less torque :sick: