General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Show post/thread after posting..

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Sunglasses Ron:
Probably already been covered, but I think it would be a good idea for your post to be displayed once you have posted it. Rather than just go stright back to the topic menu. This way, if you do drop a b*ll*ck, you have more chance of seeing it (for all those that don't preview there reply etc everytime they post). Instead of (like I have just done) posting an invalid link and not noticing it  :ashamed: Or also for when the forum posts blank messages on occasions..
This is the only forums I use that doesn't already do this.. :confused: and I am a forum whore..  :laugh:

I'd agree with that suggestion. Have thought the same for a while.

Same here. I never preview my posts and therefore never notice when I've missed loads of letters from various words (wireless keyboard sometimes misses keystrokes) or when I've just bashed my sausage fingers all over the keyboard like an idiot!


Go to your profile and under the look and layout options set the one for return to topic after posting by default  :fighting2:

Sunglasses Ron:

--- Quote from: SteveP on November 22, 2010, 04:44:21 pm ---RTFM  :P

Go to your profile and under the look and layout options set the one for return to topic after posting by default  :fighting2:

--- End quote ---

If all else fails, ask Steve..  :happy2:


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