Well after 5 years and 75K trouble free, fast, and enjoyable miles i sadly parted company with the best car i've ever owned. my ed30...

Been fancying a change for a while and a new addition to the Beddie house meant a 5 door would be a more practical choice, spent ages thinking how to replace my beloved ed30 and finally came up with the perfect solution... an ed30 in different clothes with a couple of extra doors aka an ed35

It's a 2012 DSG in carbon grey

Standard ed35 spec of xenons, leather, bluetooth, 'R' tinted rear leds and the ed35 bodykit etc
Took a while to find one with the 18" Watkins Glen wheels as a lot are on the 19" optional Glendales which i'm not keen on tbh, also got:
Front and rear park sensors
Park assist thingy
RCD510 with dab
Luxury pack
Loving it so far, just need to get modding