^Whats wrong with that road, i see tarmac so it will be fine.

It has cleared up alot since this morning, it was not fun earlier in the day when fully covered.
I managed to get to work a 16mile trip too the far side of Newcastle at 6:30 this morning. Was an interesting trip i would not have tempted in the mk6 due to the road surface still been well covered and very slippy.
Freezing fog on the way back at 3PM was not fun either, but i left early rather than at rushhour so not to get stuck behind the townies and southeners for 2 hours while they fail at driving

Most people i work with from round were i live did not make it in, infact only a few did. Even the woman with the 4x4 mitsubishi pickup from the coast only made it in at 1PM

Its the lightening thats getting me. It blinded me coming down lobley hill bank this morning and i could not see for about 5 seconds was scary moment because its so bright.
There is a foot and a half of snow outside the house at the moment so getting to the main road tomorrow morning will be fun.. As i simply booted it in from the main road tonight.