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Author Topic: Winter tyres - you have some?  (Read 17416 times)

Offline s4lek

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2010, 02:06:18 pm »
Kids ?You surely aren't that old mr jpc

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2010, 02:21:36 pm »
I have a friend in Norway, he fits the NOKIAN WRG2 tyres (made in finland) for 6 months of the year and rates them as the best winter tyre around. I have just ordered a set for the BMW in the hope it will actually move somewhere this year.

Thinking of a set of these myself, where did you get them from PDT?  :party:

I am looking at putting them on my 17" monza's can only get them 225 45 17 V and no XL option, just need to double check that this will be ok :confused:

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2010, 02:25:04 pm »
225/45/17 Nokians were just £89.20 a tyre from mytyres  :happy2:

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2010, 02:25:53 pm »
I've just made an enquiry with Camskills about Vredestein Wintracs availability as their website is showing out of stock (225/40 R18).  Their reply was:

Vredestein estimate mid/end January 2011

This is due to a huge shortage in Europe where its required by law in a lot
of countries to run winter tyres. and as such England is not being supplied
many tyres at present, and more people in England have ordered than normal
adding to the shortage. We are not taking back orders as these dates are
estimated,and if they do come in after that date, VAT will have gone up.

HTH if you're thinking  the same as me.  The search continues...

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2010, 05:10:00 pm »

This is due to a huge shortage in Europe where its required by law in a lot
of countries to run winter tyres.
and as such England is not being supplied
many tyres at present, and more people in England have ordered than normal
adding to the shortage.

....Luckily for me I don't ever need to drive anywhere when there's snow and so I run my Goodyear F1 Asymmetrics all year and have had no problems even when -5 degrees Centigrade. But what's exactly the law in Europe? What are the parameters?

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2010, 05:16:32 pm »

This is due to a huge shortage in Europe where its required by law in a lot
of countries to run winter tyres.
and as such England is not being supplied
many tyres at present, and more people in England have ordered than normal
adding to the shortage.

....Luckily for me I don't ever need to drive anywhere when there's snow and so I run my Goodyear F1 Asymmetrics all year and have had no problems even when -5 degrees Centigrade. But what's exactly the law in Europe? What are the parameters?

Germany, Norway and Sweden are to my knowledge contries that by law requires wintertyres, but in which exact period i'm not sure. Denmark Had a long and hard last winter and us having snow so early has left most tyresuppliers out of stock, so it's a good thing i had been looking for new wintertyres since last winter  :grin:

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2010, 05:38:20 pm »
they dont state a period in germany, however if you crash ands the temp is below 7o or in snow then you can be held liable for the accident even if you didnt cause it.  

It wasnt law for the british soldiers over there to use winter tyres however on many occasions insurance companies refused to pay out, and many guys got fined for holding up traffic in the snow due to having incorrect tyres for the conditions.Most never bothered as they had never experienced them in the UK so thought it wasnt needed.  but once you have had winter tyres you will use them every year from then on.

I always laugh at people who are slipping about and crashing, when im driving around largely without any issues.  

People whine about the cost, the way i see it, its saving mileage on the summer tyres as well as saving your alloys and suspension for when you belt a kerb.

Ive always gone fro vredestein wintrac or quattrac tyres which are excellent.  this year ive gone for nankang snow SV-2 tyres.  goodreviews and very reasonable costs

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2010, 06:04:09 pm »

they dont state a period in germany, however if you crash ands the temp is below 7o or in snow then you can be held liable for the accident even if you didnt cause it. 

Is that below +7 or -7?

So when do you put your winter rubber on in the UK, Sy, and when (month?) will you go back to 'normal' rubber? - Obviously subject to the actual weather period.

Btw, thx for the info  :happy2:

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2010, 06:09:18 pm »

they dont state a period in germany, however if you crash ands the temp is below 7o or in snow then you can be held liable for the accident even if you didnt cause it. 

Is that below +7 or -7?

So when do you put your winter rubber on in the UK, Sy, and when (month?) will you go back to 'normal' rubber? - Obviously subject to the actual weather period.

Btw, thx for the info  :happy2:


I haven't put them on yet, they are on route to my house as of last night.  snow has arrived nearly a month earlier this year so it caught me out.

I normally put them on when it gets consistently below around 5degrees+ tbh.  Ill take them back off when its consitently above that with no more risk of snow.

back in germany i had a spare set of rims with winter tyres on, so i used to chop and change.  wasnt an issue as we had ramps and hydraulic bolt guns in work.

this year they are going the orginal rims so  ill leave them on until i see fit to change.  but obhviously at £10-15 per corner to swap, or dont want to be making that decision to early

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2010, 06:16:02 pm »
Plus 7º!!!! Crikey!

Trouble is that the UK is always unpredictable in its weather. I selfishly really hope they don't make it law here whether it's safer or not. Still, the UK always lags well behind in its laws - Look at DRL legislation!

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2010, 06:25:37 pm »
i think it should be law.  europe carries on with snow as if its not happening.  tghe uk comes top a halt at the thought of snow, and there are so many accidets/deaths as a result of no law stating people shall use winter tyres.  

in germany they used to sell sets of 4 winter tyres on steel rims for less than £100 euro at supermarketsl. thery dont have to bew super high performance, its all in the rubber compound.

the summer tyre rubber compounds harden below 70  thus losing potential grip levels, the winter tyres can go much lower without this happening.

Plus 7º!!!! Crikey!

this is what we were informed when we arrived over there.  so it might not be strictly true, although id be pretty sure that they got that info from somewhere, and never made it up

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2010, 06:42:59 pm »
I hear where you're coming from. It just seems to me that a +7º legal threshold is somewhat draconian.

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2010, 06:46:30 pm »
I hear where you're coming from. It just seems to me that a +7º legal threshold is somewhat draconian.

this is the reason why Britain grinds to a halt and Europe doesn't lol.  the UK doesnt like change just look at the riots.

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2010, 06:51:02 pm »
Typically English people hate any kind of change - Anything unfamiliar or new is "absoloootely dreadful, dahling"... "We simply don't do that kind of thing here!"

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Re: Winter tyres - you have some?
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2010, 03:28:57 pm »
fitted maragoni to 17 monzas , so far they are very good  , miles better than driving on ice with f 1,s , fit tyres all around not just to front drive wheeles it can be dangerious it will make you under/oversteer on corners