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--- Quote from: Greenouse on February 18, 2009, 09:35:40 pm ---Very nice Manu  :happy2: 8)

Glad the front CF badge fitted! Did you get the front grill wrapped or painted in the end? How did you get the R32 badge black?

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Had to get the front grill painted as I wasnt home for too long before having to come back to Uni and wanted to get the front done before I came back to the UK. Its painted now and im quite happy with it but if for any reason feel i need to change it, still have the chrome but from my old grill which was on when i had that incident with the bird! The R32 badge at the back wasnt too hard to remove. Just used a hair dryer to heat up the sticky bit at the back and as it melted it just came off, peeled of the sticky bit, put on a new sticky and then just sprayed over it! Thought it would be much more effort but everything was done in a few hours! Quite happy with the car as it is apart from the alloys, unfortunatley wont see the car till Easter!  :ashamed:

Till then!  :happy2:

You seem really happy with the bird incident (showing 2thumbs & a grinn).. not something i find amusing  :angry015:

your car now looks like a GT


--- Quote from: LaserBlue on February 25, 2009, 11:45:39 am ---You seem really happy with the bird incident (showing 2thumbs & a grinn).. not something i find amusing  :angry015:

your car now looks like a GT

--- End quote ---

 :confused: :confused: :confused:

car looks smart manu!! black front end looks sooooo much better  :happy2: :happy2: i think its needs lowering and some nice big milltek pipes  :drool: :drool:

Happy with the bird incident? You must be mad! It cost me £550! Could have used that money to get something else for the car rather than a new grill lol. And my car may look like a GT but im quite happy with it...Driving down the motorway most people will just think its a GT but once I drive past, they may seem suprised.

Joe, agree it needs lowering and some nice milltek's but its abit difficult to save money in Uni and im going to Dubai in easter so thats my priority at the moment....Whatever i dont spend there, i shall spend on the car!

Oh and LaserBlue, dont really find it amusing to hit a bird as it was a black crow which are apparantley unlucky and i have a pet parrot and two budgies at home! Wouldnt want them getting hit by an .:R32 would i!


I now have visions of you doughnuting your car round your living room chasing budgies  :grin:


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