I really hope no one has a go at you, we all make mistakes in life and have "light bulb moments" I hope this is yours.

Mine for drink driving definitely was, eight years ago now. Wont touch a drop now.
But, you are in a situation, i lost my job following my disqo and to be honest i would get a solicitor onboard now, rather than wait, just brief them, get their input and wait !
I can highly, highly recommend mr loophole, he has a team of extremely good people who have got me off before with less minor offences. They are expensive, but, how much will the increased insurance premiums and loss of your job be ! my advice, call them, talk it through, get some immediate advice and wait.
You would be amazed what can be missed !
I will not wish you luck as that would be almost condoning it, but i hope the above helps you somewhat.
Mr Loophole -