General > Product Reviews
Instrument Gauge Column Pod - Review....
--- Quote from: ongoing on January 25, 2011, 10:07:36 am ---
I bought this off the back of your review and id like to say thanks
was a really good review and the gauge really blends in well hand a few people think it was an OEM option
--- End quote ---
....Am glad to hear you're pleased :happy2: Which gauge do you have in yours?
I went for the newsouth gauge to match the interior
Friend of mine has this fitted to his S3 and it looks excellent. :happy2:
I just wasnt too keen on the fact that it lights up like a christmas tree when he turns it on!! It does settle down afterwards to his chosen colour though.
awesome mate, like it a lot
My column pod went through a period of several thousand miles at first when it squeaked but then suddenly started behaving itself and has been squeak-free for many thousand miles now.
Personally, I think this is the best position for a boost gauge, other than centrally on top of the dashboard, as it's so easy to glance at it.
A boost gauge isn't something you look at that much but when you need to or want to check things, it's invaluable.
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