Hi Dean, your making similar decisions as me. I too currently own an Anni pd, have done so for 5 years now, i still love it too bits, but have been looking around for a new car, but head always wins for me at the moment. My shortlist has been S4, mmhh V8 power, S3 or the ED30. I know if i change it will cost alot more to run, so thats why i wait

i got offered £3650 part ex on my anni last week, its against a CW ED30

Only you can make the decisision and know your finances, im waiting longer, because i now have too, spent too much on my new kitchen

, but if the right car with the right Spec, which is important for me, came along, then i would have to consider it.
I'd change the car every day if i could

Dean were abouts in Yorkshire are you coming to?