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Author Topic: Anti-X-Factor Protest....  (Read 2917 times)

Offline RedRobin

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Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:09:49 pm »
Link to the BBC news story:

Jumping on last year's band wagon to stop the X-Factor winner hitting number one in the charts is an anti-X-Factor so called 'supergroup' getting together to record, not music but virtual silence - That's really musically creative and worthy of praise isn't it!  Orbital, Imogen Heap, Pete Doherty, and commercial popsters if ever I heard some: Heaven 17, and also serial activist Billy Bragg are among those forming this so called supergroup. What do these players have in common? I suggest a need to rescue or rejuvenate their own musical, in some cases, careers.

It's all very well and everyone has a right to sling mud at the X-Factor and deride its pure pop commercial-ality. However, this year in particular (I've not watched previous years) has thrown up some excellent singers as well as those who make you want to vomit. Rebecca Ferguson may not be Nina Simone but she sure has a very fine voice and oozes class even though she doesn't realise it herself. Matt Cardle is another good contestant and sings well from his heart and soul. 17yo Cher Lloyd has plenty of attitude but is also a worthy performer. One Direction aren't at all original but hordes of screaming girl fans love them, so why shouldn't they have some success?

Those who don't make the grade only humiliate themselves in the eyes of others if their musical abilities are so awful - And many are so truly awful that's it's entertaining, which is more than can be said for recording silence. The X-Factor judges are doing everyone a favour by rejecting their efforts. Besides which, many of those who haven't reached the final will have created a new career for themselves anyway - Mary the 50yo supermarket worker being a good example. Crazy Kate Waissel who wasn't that great in my opinion but I bet will be more than pleased she got as far as she did. Even the wretched Wagner won't be disappointed! I haven't seen anyone humiliated in the slightest, not even by Simon Cowell, and I have been particularly impressed by judge Cheryl Cole's showing of compassion.

Those four acts who have made the final in this competition deserve whatever degree of success which might come their way. They are clearly sincere and wholehearted about their music and they have been given a chance of a lifetime. How mean and intolerant are those who are going out of their way to waste time recording literally nothing musical to offer the public in their poisonous protest.

The Royal British Legion's 2-minute silent video was appropriate as standing in silence is an established gesture in remembering the fallen in armed conflict, and at least there was a video to buy. To my mind, this anti-X-Factor song also disrespects the silence of that video. Have any of you seen or heard this year's X-Factor 16 finalists perform David Bowie's song "Heroes" in aid of Help For Heroes? - It's brilliant imo and this comes from someone who particularly loves the Bowie original.

Why can't these already established so-called musicians live and let live or even offer some music in return for the money they would gain?

Rebecca Ferguson:

Matt Cardle - Who can seriously say this guy doesn't deserve success. Not pitch perfect at times, but...

Help for Heroes Charity single:

I'm anti British soldiers being in Afghanistan but wholeheartedly support them as people. F*CK you! Billy Bragg and co! :fighting: [/rant]

Do you agree with me?
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 06:11:49 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 06:31:07 pm »
I actually find it amusing that last years X factor song was beaten to #1 by Rage against the machine. 

But i agree its been done now, and the losers tryng it on this year are just after publicity.

Anyways is it just me or would other people on here love the opportunity to repeatably pummel Pete doherty until he collapsed in a heap of useless meat on the floor

Oh and That Matt Cardle should win the X factor.  I think hes going to be immense.  Every song he has done on there has been as good as or even better than the originals

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 06:45:46 pm »
Yes, I agree that it was amusing that the X-Factor winner's song was toppled last year and also some of the winners have been very forgettable.

Although Simon Cowell and his gang gain enormously from the X-Factor, it does provide opportunities for many 'ordinary' folks who otherwise might not have their musical talent recognised. So it's a win-win.

I'd like Matt to win - He's talented and genuine. Rebecca will get a recording contract from someone anyway - She absolutely good enough and probably happier recording than gigging anyway. She'll also graciously accept her second place or even third or fourth. One Direction don't inspire me as being original enough and the very ambitious young Cher Lloyd will make something of herself musically anyway now she has come to the public's notice.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 06:56:51 pm »
Good points well made RR, however for me I have the sole gripe that Simon Cowell is the Antichrist, he and that little  pillow biting creep ooze slime.  :fighting:

Now, having got that personal and largely indefensible point of view off my chest  :signLOL: the only other real issue I have is over the transparency of the voting. Why don't we get independently verified caller numbers ?........ Because it's rigged in a way to ensure that Cowell and co manipulate it to their own ends perhaps ?

I actually agree with you though. No protest required this year. There is some real talent there from Matt and Rebecca (not the wonky mouthed flake though), sadly the only real protest that there was, was Wagner but cowell and co made sure that he went out. (good job he did though, else the whole franchise would have been in jeopardy)  :wink:

Plastic fantastic and mind numbing Saturday night family fluff prolly just not worthy of a protest really, they disappear off the radar quicker than firefox.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 07:29:15 pm »
[Said in a Simon Cowell voice:] To be honest, I'm not.......

....I'm not impressed by Simon Cowell much either - He's clearly in love with himself and extremely arrogant, but the bottom line is that unknown folks might get an opportunity. I'm glad to say that those who just fancy all the fame and are crap musicians get dropped earlier on.

When you say "that little pillow biting creep", I assume you mean the Irish judge who mentors the over-28's and whose name I always seem to forget - Probably because I tend to hit the mute button every time he speaks.

It is very typical Saturday night TV fodder but as a musician myself, I do find I can enjoy parts of the show and I turn the volume right up when either Matt Cardle or Rebecca Furguson sing. I normally do something like sewing (yes, that's right! Lots of blanket stitch going on here) while it's on.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 07:38:26 pm »
As a muso myself I wish they'd just ask them to perform there own songs! then we could seriously evaluate them as artists. Bloody crappyoke.

Yes 'twas Louise I was referring to. Apparently the head of BA Willie is his brother... Is that true or internet myth?

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 08:41:04 pm »
I agree - I would be a great idea for contestants to sing their own songs but in addition to known songs. Let's not forget that not all singers are songwriters and also that if they only performed their own compositions the public would be even less able to judge.

I'm sure that there's a strong element of the choice of song influencing the public's vote too: "Ooh, I know feck all about musical ability but I know and love that song so I'll vote for whoever sung it" kinda thing.

A very good friend of mine who is now beginning to enjoy success and radio play, gigs 4 or 5 times a week and quickly discovered that he got booked for more gigs when he mixed well known songs amongst his own compositions - To the point where the audience is fooled into thinking they already know, or feel they should know, his song. Rightly or wrongly, live audiences always demand to hear some of what they already know - They're not necessarily very sophisticated and there's invariably some alcohol involved.

As commercially signed 'artists' these guys are mostly going to have songs written for them - There is potentially a lot of money to be made from music sales and those investing in the artist want their financial return.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2010, 12:58:04 am »
As a muso myself I wish they'd just ask them to perform there own songs! then we could seriously evaluate them as artists. Bloody crappyoke.

This was how it was on that must be the music, and some of the acts were immense, they have to do their own, song writing, music and choreography etc

Plus they music was put straight on Itunes with all proceeds going direct to them,  4 of them made it into the top ten as well

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2010, 08:59:24 am »

Exactly as it should be.....not some "wonky mouthed skint rabbit in the headlights" trying to be pretend to be a black rap star. Still, it keeps the kids quiet for a time on a Saturday night if nothing else and Matt does seem like a real act, unlike the aforementioned and wand erection.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2010, 09:26:54 am »
i agree with your sentiments RR. its a crass show but it gives hope and opportunity to people who might be ignored by the music industry otherwise.
and it has given us a few real amazing talents that might never have been seen.
one direction are lets face it... crap. they make everything sound the same but there is a market out there for faceless souless boy bands who are distinctly average vocally but are eye candy for teen girls. so simon cowell will make a fist few more dollars with them and they will get a tennage kids dream come true so why should we worry.
rebecca has an amazing voice but hardly exciting lol. like watching paint dry
matt is credible and i think will do his own thing and be a hit for a few years to come.

i thought must be the music was a much better show it showed real talent and the clips presented here are living proof.
but there is room for both and it is entertaining if you dont take it seriously-esp the voting toward the end. im not that fussed after the teams have been picked..... with the exception of the need and lust for watching danni minogue- that woman is hot and gets better as she gets older!!
and from a striclty proffessional point of view she looks different hair wise and image every week so kudos to her stylist!!
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2010, 11:45:49 am »
I've never heard of "Must Be The Music" - What channel is that on? Sky? (I don't have SkyTV).

A wee bit too folky and samey for my musical taste though, based on those vid clips. That last 'rock' song was utterly boring and unoriginal.

I'd like to see and hear those same musicians perform known songs in addition. I'm not saying they're not good musicians but none of those songs are very memorable. Hopefully this prog has better songs - It perfectly illustrates how a song can let down the musician. Sorry!

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2010, 12:09:47 pm »
Way I see it I if you don't like or agree with it don't buy it.  Why waste your money on some other crap.  Weren't rage on a label associated with cowell anyway?

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2010, 12:16:03 pm »
thats the best bit, Cowell profited either way, the smug git  :grin:

@ RR Must be the music was on sky 1 a few months back


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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2010, 03:46:11 am »
Way I see it I if you don't like or agree with it don't buy it.  Why waste your money on some other crap.  Weren't rage on a label associated with cowell anyway?

That was the rumour but I think it was from all the haters!

I will be buying Surfin' Bird this year with the aim to knock Simons tribe off the top slot.

Help for Heroes will still do alright out of it so that doesn't bother me.

Its a good ploy 'lets make it a charity single and make everyone feel guilty'!

Sorry it doesn't wash with me.

I love music and have done all my life but I hate the way it is now associated with wealth and celebrity and X-Factor just adds to that image!


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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2010, 03:56:51 am »
Before anybody jumps down my neck.

When I say it doesn't bother me I mean it will still sell shed loads, probably the same amount it would do to get to number 1.

Thats what I meant it doesn't bother me because it will still raise the same money.

Over and out!!!