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Author Topic: Anti-X-Factor Protest....  (Read 2919 times)

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2010, 11:06:56 am »

Help for Heroes will still do alright out of it so that doesn't bother me.

Its a good ploy 'lets make it a charity single and make everyone feel guilty'!

Sorry it doesn't wash with me.

....Human beings aren't as simple as black and white - Do you not think it's possible that there is sincerity in Simon Cowell's/X-Factor's actions regarding raising money for the Heroes charity. The only important thing is that money is raised and hence heroes are helped.

I love music and have done all my life but I hate the way it is now associated with wealth and celebrity and X-Factor just adds to that image!

....Popular music throughout human history has always directly reflected society. So all you're seeing is a reflection of the general obsession with fame and celebrity. Something which I don't like either but it doesn't stop me enjoying music and there's both good and bad music in every single era you care to think of.

Gaining fame and money is something which can enable. It's what can make positive things happen - It isn't all bad and corrupt or decadent. Just as one example, look at what Bob Marley was able to do in Jamaica. Bob Gedolf's Band Aid is another example of using fame and power to the good. Could either of these musicians have achieved what they did without their fame and celebrity? Of course not.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 12:09:42 pm »
I am not so sure of SCs motives TBH, he is a very direct man who seems to know what he wants and will do anything to get it.

If that means a charity single, so be it.

He tries to act sincere but he still comes across as arrogant.

I am not so sure the Band Aid was a good example as I think most of the money was spent on lavish parties for the Government!

I listen to a lot of older stuff now and a bit of Jazz only because there isn't that niggle in your mind of 'how big is their house, car, dog, cat'!

I sometimes just want to listen to the music and not be bombarded of how they look.

Although some of the new bands start off well nowadays.

Kings of Leon, Arctics, Mumford and Sons be good to see how they pan out.

Ironically one of my favourites probably started it all, The Beatles!

But then it goes past fame and fortune and starts to become the music again, Mr McCartney is worth £850 million apparently but still cracks out the tunes, he doesn't need to.

And then sometimes it becomes a poison chalice, George Harrison, who famously nailed a sign to the gates of his mansion in Henley saying 'go away'!

Oh I don't know probably contradicting myself now!

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 02:34:46 pm »
Good music is good music and I don't think it matters how wealthy or not the artist is - Personal wealth has nothing to do with the quality of their music.

Simon Cowell IS arrogant. Why should it matter? You need a degree of arrogance and self-confidence to get up in front of crowds of people anyway.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 02:37:59 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 03:59:29 pm »
I agree nothing like a bit of Miles at 4 in the morning no money involved in that feeling.

Beta Blockers and or Cocaine is also good for confidence.

Music needs to move on now though, move past the x factor years.

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2010, 11:25:21 am »
ok just found out corey taylor from slipknot has done a single for christmas and its a bit of fun The download-only single will be released on 12 December and all of the proceeds will go to the Teenage Cancer Trust.bit of swearing in it but so what its for a good cause

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Offline joesgti

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2010, 11:28:48 am »
theres too many people jumping on the bandwagon for anyone other than the xfactor winner to get chrimbo no.1 imo.

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Offline MAT ED30

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2010, 11:30:29 am »
100% joe with u on that one but the song i put up is more for charity so gets my vote  :smiley:

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

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Re: Anti-X-Factor Protest....
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2010, 11:59:24 am »
I think it'd be a bit cynical to suggest he's only used a charity to ensure an Xmas number 1, even for Cowell. I'm choosing to believe he has good intentions. As has been mentioned, the whole "random spoiler single" has been done.... although I do really like the Trashmen song!!

I don't watch it, I don't really like any of the acts that have come out of it since its beginning.. I think that Will Young chap has done alright and is certainly talented, but he's an exception.

In other news though - Harry off of One Direction lives in my village, apparently Cowell was here with them on Tuesday, thankfully I was in Germany and missed it. So, given he is a nice lad and was always very polite when he served me in the bakery, I hope his band wins. If anything, you can't knock their youthful enthusiasm.

Oh, and Docherty is a talentless spacktard oxygen thief. He's on my list, along with Kerry Katona.
Sideways yo!