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Author Topic: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options  (Read 8576 times)

Offline Fastmonkey

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MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:08:56 am »
Going to hopefully be buying a car today with MFD2 Nav and want to understand the options for integrated IPOD and BT for phone. Done this sort of things in Beemers in the past so looking for a factory look, MFSW working etc. The car has the cd changer so happy to loose that in place of ipod connectivity. Really would like control of the ipod from the MFD2, but not sure if that is possible and you can nvaigate and get track display etc ?
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Offline smoftah

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 08:10:05 am »
Hi & Welcome  :happy2:

I have the MFD2 and iPod connection in the armrest.

It is completely factory look and hidden away in the armrest. You can control the ipod from the MFD2 but it does not display track names e.t.c. Your playlists will show up as CD1 / CD2 / CD3 e.t.c and you can go through those as you want using the MFD2. However CD6 is always your entire music selection on your iPod and always plays in random.

If you have the multifunction steering wheel you can also control your iPod through that.

When on the navigation screen it says at the bottom the track number but again no track names.

Hope this helps and good luck with the purchase  :happy2:

Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 08:24:10 am »
As Smoftah said, the only factory option is the armrest mounted kit for the MFD2. It is neat but as the unit emulates a 6 Disc CD changer, it actually picks up the first 5 playlists on the Ipod, and uses them as virtual CD's. Again as has been explained, there are no track names (a limitation of the MFD2 not the Ipod kit), so just expect to see Track 1, Track 2 etc.

The only controls you will have is skipping from playlist to playlist (1-5) justlike a CD by pressing the CD buttons on the side of the unit, and track skipping / FF/FRW and pause. The good news is that the factory solution is not only neat, but also charges the Ipod whilst docked and switches it automatically on or off when required. Sound quality is also pretty decent.

Factory Bluetooth options for the MFD2 are quite limited as AFAIK, there is not a factory bluetooth kit ? Many people (myself included) run parrot kits which work perfectly but obvously you won't get the phonebook showing on the MFD2 (nore with any kit). There is a Fiscon kit that if you have a highline display on the dash will allow the phonebook to show on these, but I've never used one myself. With my parrot CK3000 evolution, I purchased from the states a CAN-BUS harness which removes the need to install the small parrot control button that normally mounts to the dash. Instead, my parrot is now totally controlled by the 2 phones buttons on my MFSW and therefore looks factory.

Most people have now upgraded to the latest Nav system the RNS-510, which is light years ahead of the MFD2 and can be had for between the £400-£500 mark. I fitted one of these about 6 months ago andnow wondered how I ever managed without it.


« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 08:26:32 am by Norbreck21a »

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 08:51:37 am »
Excellent information thanks. Does the new 510 touchscreen unit have better ipod and bt phone integration then ? The ipod connection and CK3000 route would suit me fine but it is nice to have all the bells and whistles so not ruling out an upgrade !
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Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 09:42:36 am »
Yes, the RNS-510 (if fitted with the MDI unit in the armrest) allows FULL integration of the ipod to the unit. All track and artist names are displayed, as well as being able to search on playlists, artists, albums, songs etc.

Also, the RNS has a 30gb internal HDD fitted. About 10gb is reserved for the navigation maps, but the rest (about 20gb) is avaialble for music storage. Again, full track names, searches etc. AND the RNS also has an SD card slot for even more music and a DVD drive that will not only play Video DVD's directly, but can also read mp3 DVD's as well. Trust me, you will never run out of music options with the RNS.

Also, as the maps are now stored on the HDD, the screen refresh is MUCH quicker and now gives you the option of 3D mapping as well as the standard 2D (the only one available with the MFD2).

As far a bluetooth goes, then yes, there are now factory versions (mainly using Skoda hardware) that allow fulli ntegration of the phone to the car, including transfer of contacts, last calls, missed calls etc. It's about a £350-£400 option though.

I still have my parrot CK3000 Evo fitted (as I don't really need all the bells and whistles for thephone) and it works perfectly with my Iphone and the RNS.

Finally (yes there's more)... depending on which RNS you go for (i.e a later revision model) and depending how old your car is, there are also options of full voice control of the RNS, and an add on rear view camera that pops out of the boot mounted VW badge (very neat and cool).

As you can see, the RNS really is light years ahead of the MFD2 in every way.

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 09:45:42 am »
sounds like the one really........ already had a look on the bay and the MFD2 goes for strong money so shouldn't be a massive cost to change.

I love the toys so the 510 upgrade seems the way forward. The car is a 56 plate so assume from what i've just been reading elsewhere I need a b code one otherwise I'll get the battery drain issue ? But that then might not give me the voice activation options as it won't be the latest model ?

THanks for your responses very detailed and informative !
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Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2010, 11:34:30 am »
In the for sale section of the board, there's a member RHYS, that currently has a mint Rev B RNS for sale at £500.

Don't know if you are interested, maybe make him an offer ?

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2010, 03:17:20 pm »
Excellent thanks, I think i'll go with that. Ive just put a deposit down on the car and hope to collect it Monday so best I start getting some mods lined up for it !

What's the fitting procedure for the upgrade ? Does it need coding ?
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Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2010, 03:26:31 pm »
Well done, look forward to the photos  :congrats:

The RNS strictly speaking does need coding, but will work without. Trouble is, if you have highline dash (the large central computer that shows an overview of the car when the doors are opened), then the additional menus for Audio and Navigation won't appear until it's coded in, so best to get it done if you can.

There is an issue with certain varients of the RNS causing battery drain issues on older cars. Bascially it's to do with an electronic module called the CAN GATEWAY, who job it is to control the switching of all the electrical units in the car. Older versions of the CAN gateway don't fully understand the RNS commands and so don't fully switch it off, leading to the battery drain.

I think that CAN gateways of revision K or L or newer will be perfectly fine, however older ones may cause an issue. There are 2 ways round this. First is to just upgrade the gateway to a newer version (about £120 new from VW or about £50-£80 from ebay). Second is to run the RNS with a specific firmware. Firmwares of 1200 or lower will work fine with any gateway, however the newer firmwares may cause issues.

I'd check with the seller first to see what firmware it's running and wether it would be compatible. If not, so long as it's not been messed with internally (i.e. is a genuine unmolested unit), then the firware can always be downgraded. Oneof the forum members Darren (mortygttdi, or to give him his proper name, Professor RNS) did this on mine.

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2010, 03:41:27 pm »
loving all this information, I was well into all the nav and audio in my BMW's I've had and looks like there is just as much if not more to fiddle around with and upgrade. Excellent !  :jumpmove:

Do you know why I can't reply to threads in the for sale area, is it limited by number of posts or something ?
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Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2010, 04:30:35 pm »
You need to have something like 25 posts to be able to post in the For sale section - so get posting in other areas !

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2010, 04:54:25 pm »
you were right 10 posts required...... Have replied. One has just gone throughon ebay for £370..........
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Offline Norbreck21a

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2010, 04:58:43 pm »
Just to wet your appitite, here's what the unit looks like paying from the media in (ipod)

sciroccosig by Sootchucker, on Flickr

Offline Fastmonkey

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Re: MFD2 - IPOD and Phone Options
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2010, 05:31:57 pm »
Oh yes !

That looks so much better than the MFD2 one, the font was horrible.

I'm all over one of those........
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