So last night, 11,15pm, i get up off the sofa and go to lock the door, and some guy is stood staring at me!! Im in total shock and start screaming at him 'who the fcuk are you' he turns around and started bolting it out of the house. So i legged it after him! got down to the bottom of the road and caught up and smashed him round the back of the head, he went down, i trip over him, belt him again and pin him down. all the time im thinking WTF is going on, shaking off adrenalin and freezing my tits off, (i had no shoes or socks on lol) so after a few more scuffles i get him on the ground and a neighbour who herd it all sat on his chest and i got his legs and waited for about 10 mins for the police, whilst waiting my neighbours daughter find my car keys in the middle of the road, he was also found with my bankcard and my friends cars keys.
So had a very late night, didnt get much sleep and CSI are on their way round. Jackson my rottweiler has a new home in the conservatory and my shotgun is out of the cabinate and under the bed!

that guy chose the wrong mug to have off!!

So people, make sure all your doors are locked when you get in from work, and dont leave it till you go to bed like me.