General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Created a new topic as it isn't really a suggestion, well it is and isn't lol
Out of pure noseyness how often is the theme here change? Nothing really wrong with the current one but to me just looks ever so slightly dated? I have had a play in photoshop to try bring it up-to-date without too many major changes! If nobody likes it then meh it was fun designing!
Direct Hi-Res link -
Also how about an xmas banner? Maybe add some snow to it?
I approve that.... the VW badges work really well! :happy2:
I like it! :santa:
Saint Steve:
:congrats: :congrats:
Love it.
Been having a play today, it looks crap due to using free hosting so the adds knock everything out of line but if you scroll so the banner is at the top you can see everything is aligned properly!
Also install the Articles/How To mod I was on about in my other suggestions, can be seen Here
and Demo forum can be found Here
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