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Cold journeys

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You guys are making it sound as if real damage is done by a series of short journeys. Surely, if there is any small degree of 'damage' it would only be from doing nothing but short journeys for years.

I've only done 8 miles this week! But another week might be 800.

You guys make it sound as if I'm being lazy. I will happily walk short distances but the public transport where I live is rather unreliable and more expensive than driving. Moreover, most of these short journeys are taken at night when there is no public transport other than taxis.

The car is my daily driver and I typically drive a total of 40 miles a day with >100 miles once a month.

i dont get this thred!!  :rolleye: sounds stupid! if i want a chippy il drive 200yrds round the corner?! so!!?? my engine wont break down!  :confused:

I note you mentioned garage

You could always put a heater in your garage 

and start your car a few minutes before leaving, and let it idle a little before setting off.

(but both are a bit of a waste of energy and money IMO  :embarrassed:)


--- Quote from: joesgti on February 22, 2009, 09:30:27 am ---if i want a chippy il drive 200yrds round the corner?! so!!?? my engine wont break down!
--- End quote ---
But I don't want to prematurely wear the engine down if I can help it. If it lasts 150k instead of 120k, so much the better.

--- Quote from: JonnyG on February 22, 2009, 09:58:16 am ---You could always put a heater in your garage  and start your car a few minutes before leaving, and let it idle a little before setting off.
--- End quote ---

Neither's really practical. Besides, I've found that an idle car will take at least 20 mins to warm up, but one that's driven (gently) takes about 5-10 mins.


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