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Author Topic: M Barstard 5  (Read 5456 times)

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M Barstard 5
« on: December 18, 2010, 08:07:46 pm »
Took me 10 hours to get home from Yeovil today. 6 of which were spent on the M5. it was complete chaos 2 fights, 6 lorry's jack- knifed and literally hundreds of cars stranded. At one point instead of people getting out to help push cars that were blocking the road everyone went round them, at times we were 6 a breast. The snow plough drivers were getting threatened with there lives.  :chicken:

Offline Hurdy

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2010, 08:09:38 pm »
Pah, short journey that :signLOL:
Golf R gone.

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2010, 09:32:16 pm »
What the fook were people fighting over :confused: :confused:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2010, 09:36:23 pm »
people were obviously reverting to their wild roots.  Not to chuffed about the m5 issues though.  Im heading down there on christmas eve on the way to plymouth.  Thought of going via the A303 but that would be a death trap in the snoq

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 09:39:45 pm »
What the fook were people fighting over :confused: :confused:

Once the conditions deteriorated to basically a white field, no lanes at all, lots of cars started getting stuck. so instead of being patient loads of people started just trying to drive around them and in turn they got stuck. Bare in mind we had been stationary for 4 hours so everyone was getting desperate and temper's frayed. I must admit i stopped a BMW going up along the central barrier as he went past me and gave him a right mouth full, but he was really nice and said " I know i am sorry i wish i hadn't done it" i felt really bad then.
to be honest it was horrible, kinda like when there was that fire on the plane in Manchester and everyone was climbing on each other's heads to get out.  :confused:

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2010, 09:44:16 pm »
people were obviously reverting to their wild roots.  Not to chuffed about the m5 issues though.  Im heading down there on christmas eve on the way to plymouth.  Thought of going via the A303 but that would be a death trap in the snoq

I find the A303 to be cleared quite quickly and used to use it when i was with the ex cake munching conniving bitch as she was from Plymouth

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 09:46:49 pm »
Ive always used the A303 however if there was the slightest bit of snow there, and a small amount of traffic blocking the route, you could be up sh!t street.  I was thinking the M5/m4 for the likelihood of it being cleared sooner.

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 09:48:52 pm »
What the fook were people fighting over :confused: :confused:

Once the conditions deteriorated to basically a white field, no lanes at all, lots of cars started getting stuck. so instead of being patient loads of people started just trying to drive around them and in turn they got stuck. Bare in mind we had been stationary for 4 hours so everyone was getting desperate and temper's frayed. I must admit i stopped a BMW going up along the central barrier as he went past me and gave him a right mouth full, but he was really nice and said " I know i am sorry i wish i hadn't done it" i felt really bad then.
to be honest it was horrible, kinda like when there was that fire on the plane in Manchester and everyone was climbing on each other's heads to get out.  :confused:

I must admit i do get pissed off with people when they are being muppets. Like when i got stuck recently for over 9 hours. But it's not something i'd start a punch up over (unless it was in self defence). I educated some bloke in a BMW today who was sat spinning his wheels like mad trying to get going. When i pointed out that if he started in second and went off gently with only minimal throttle to stop the car stalling, lo and behold he went on his merry way with a thumbs up.

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2010, 09:50:21 pm »
Ive always used the A303 however if there was the slightest bit of snow there, and a small amount of traffic blocking the route, you could be up sh!t street.  I was thinking the M5/m4 for the likelihood of it being cleared sooner.

Only time i find any trouble is around StoneHenge due to switching from Dual Carriageway to Single lane. That and a couple of roundabouts but usually i have found it to be ok.

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2010, 09:51:29 pm »
ive got a bit of a short fuse.  Especially when guys hold or cut me up in this weather with their stupidity.  Still highly doubt id get into a scrap over it :grin:
Ive always used the A303 however if there was the slightest bit of snow there, and a small amount of traffic blocking the route, you could be up sh!t street.  I was thinking the M5/m4 for the likelihood of it being cleared sooner.

Only time i find any trouble is around StoneHenge due to switching from Dual Carriageway to Single lane. That and a couple of roundabouts but usually i have found it to be ok.

Every time i get stuck there.. the tight lanes and hilly parts after the illminister bypass could be a nightmare

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2010, 09:56:11 pm »
What the fook were people fighting over :confused: :confused:

Once the conditions deteriorated to basically a white field, no lanes at all, lots of cars started getting stuck. so instead of being patient loads of people started just trying to drive around them and in turn they got stuck. Bare in mind we had been stationary for 4 hours so everyone was getting desperate and temper's frayed. I must admit i stopped a BMW going up along the central barrier as he went past me and gave him a right mouth full, but he was really nice and said " I know i am sorry i wish i hadn't done it" i felt really bad then.
to be honest it was horrible, kinda like when there was that fire on the plane in Manchester and everyone was climbing on each other's heads to get out.  :confused:

I must admit i do get pissed off with people when they are being muppets. Like when i got stuck recently for over 9 hours. But it's not something i'd start a punch up over (unless it was in self defence). I educated some bloke in a BMW today who was sat spinning his wheels like mad trying to get going. When i pointed out that if he started in second and went off gently with only minimal throttle to stop the car stalling, lo and behold he went on his merry way with a thumbs up.

I did the same myself 3 times today, even got in some young foreign chaps seat to show him. as everytime he tried he went sideways.  :laugh:
To be fair though the roads are always full of people we would not let have the keys,  loads of people didn't even bother with lights. I was sitting there thinking how the fcuk can so many cars not be making it, then all of a sudden it became really difficult to move forward we all started going sideways and backwards.  :laugh:

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2010, 10:05:19 pm »
I think people should be educated how to drive in the snow. That would help a lot of problems. However you will always get the muppets who will either drive too quick for the conditions, like yesterday when some 17yr old kid was killed as he skidded of the road and rolled into a ditch, causing rds to be blocked or they will drive too slow because they are scared and get stuck thus causing jams. This all in turn means Snow Ploughs and Gritters etc can't get through. My missus wont go out in the car if there is heavy snow. If it starts on a journey and she is driving i have to take over. People are afraid to walk too. When i was out today i was walking the dogs and i saw people who live on my estate driving to the local tesco express for a bottle of milk. It takes literally 3 mins to walk :stupid:

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2010, 10:21:52 pm »
my biggest irritant is lights when its snowing. Most people turn them on which is great.  However nearly everyone forgets to maybe remove the snow thats covering their headlights/rear lights.  Defeats the object in the first place IMO

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2010, 10:25:16 pm »
Maybe they think the heat from the bulb will melt it :grin:

Offline keith

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Re: M Barstard 5
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2010, 10:31:04 pm »
a wee bit of snow and chaos been thru it twice this year wait for the ice then its better lol.
why anyone wants to buy a beemer i will never know and why their owners venture out in the snow :rolleye: