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Red Edition 30 cleaned up......with added wax'd pic's

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Phil Mcavity:
not sure how too tbh stealth, im not a pro with the lense, photo'ing outside my gaff isnt the best place to capture the cars shine!, will have to seek better backdrops when i can :wink:

cheers for havin a go at adjusting but that looks too bright!!! :wink:

Lol didn't change the brightness but increased the contrast. I'm not a pro either but it's something I picked up. Underexposing in the british climate supposedly gives better results.

What cam you got?

Phil Mcavity:
some Canon jobbie, still in car ,will fetch in the morning.


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on February 22, 2009, 06:12:24 pm ---Window tints to follow in the coming days.

--- End quote ---


Looking good though syphilis............

nice pics Phil , car looks fab.  :happy2:


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