I had an engine light pop up on the car, performance didnt seem to be effected (as limited as I could test in the icy conditions), upton startup I thought the exhaust smell in the car was a little stronger than I had noticed before, this could have of course been in my mind.
Popped the car to my local garage who plugged in the his little snap-on computer and read the fault as the lambda sensor throwing a wobbley. Cleared the fault and it hasnt come back after a few miles of driving.
So Im theorising about what triggered it. My initial idea is that with the snow/ice conditions I've been using the ESP pretty heavily, i'm assuming the ESP cuts the throttle and ditches and fuel/air into the exhaust, lambda then reads this as very rich etc and throws up a warning?
My other theory is that the 3in Intake system along with the 3in maf housing is confusing the ecu, getting it to chuck in more fuel, running rich and again causing said lambda to spit its dummy.......?
Thats about my limit when it comes to figuring posh engines out

What do you lot rekon?
Cheers, paul