A particular K03 Stg2+ might be able to keep up with a particular K04 Stg1 on the road. But in my experience the average Stg2+ K03 would be no match for the average Stg1 K04. The difference in top end power is pretty significant.
the difference in top end power!!! The top end power is pretty much identical except the k03 makes it slightly earlier. @ stage 1 k04 there is very very little difference in them at all. stage 2 k04 and its bye bye, but not stage 1
Come on Sy, you can clearly see that the KO4 has 0.2 more bhp which will be huge on the road..
I'm guessing that's the best Stage 2+ Ko3 against one of the worst Stage 1 KO4's too? I don't care what anyone says (including JKM) a Stage 1 KO4 (Revo) should be making at least 285-290bhp if set up right and on the right fuel..
But I wouldn't imagine there to be much difference on the road between the 2 TBH. Maybe the KO4 to be slightly quicker at the top end due to it making it's power at higher revs (which is where it's needed at high speeds)..
I agree ron. Maybe slightly quicker at the very top end, but by then were talking well above 100mph.
As you say that the k04 stage 1 should be making 280-290Hp. having a trawl through their galleries they are pretty much all around the 270-280Hp region which is only a minimal increase over a stage 2+. so on the road there would be very little difference, and when you counter in the k03 stage 2+ would have the midrange torque advantage due to the fuel pump. Id say on a 1/4 the stage 1 k04 could just get the legs being able to make power that bit higher up the Rev band. On a track id say the k03 2+ would have it. Due to the midrange advantage.