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Author Topic: Stereo not coming on with ignition  (Read 1348 times)

Offline Weston

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Stereo not coming on with ignition
« on: December 27, 2010, 09:46:50 pm »
Today my stereo has decided to not switch on with the engine. It's an MFD2, and it's left on when the engine is switched off. Any ideas why it's not coming on anymore? I'm not aware of having changed anything.
GTI going...

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: Stereo not coming on with ignition
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2010, 09:53:47 pm »
Have you had it on without the ignition on and then switched it off? This would override the usual setting.

Try turning the engine on and turn the MFD2 on and then switch the engine off. This should restore it.

If not i can't think what else can be causing it off the top of my head.