If some one wants to start a proper thread on this that would be cool as I don’t know how and if its in the wrong area move it, I know people have done individual reviews but a combined one would be good !!!
Iv not managed to find one on here and thought it would be handy for people as the question for what tyre to go for is always asked… which is best???
I see it as everyone wants something different out of a tyre so what might be a good for someone might be a bad choice for another. I.e. grip, road noise, tread life and so on…
If you could post what tyre you used, how good it was and how long it lasted and how you generally drive to give a indication for tyre wear…
I may as well start.. I have had a set of Michelins PS2 on the front and they have been a pretty good tyre for general driving but found that when pressed on the grip turned into under steer. They have done 7000 miles and are ready for changing now partly the reason why iv started this so I could maybe find a tyre for me… I drive fairly steady most the time but go for a good spirited

drive often so overall I think they have done pretty good job but as for the amount of grip they are not for me, i would like abit more!!!
As for in the snow there are as much good as a chocolate fire guard